2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review:  Thankful for all of our mentors this year.  Professional Development was a highlight for us in 2023.  We wrote over 40 legal articles and developed and chaired seven accredited professional courses involving high-level speakers that offered their valuable time to educate all of us.  Thank you to all the medical experts […]

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6% Cap on Disbursements

There are more changes in British Columbia being legislated. To provide you with a brief history for a better comprehension, I will enumerate my article to market on the history here: The government attempted to cap disbursements to 6% of the amount awarded as compensation.  Eg: If a case was awarded 100,000 in damages, the […]

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2023 Chronic Pain Case

A recent decision reviews arguments from both counsel on whether this case falls under thin skull or crumbling skull principles.  Liability was not admitted but was not a true issue here.  The MVA occurred when the Plaintiff’s vehicle was rear ended while stopped at a stop sign.  “The only issues argued before me at trial […]

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Awards of cost of future care

A recent 2023 decision Donaldson v Grayson, 2023 BCSC 1675 (CanLII) outlines the legal principles relating to the assessment of cost of future care.  The award for costs of future care was significant – $208,000.  There were also multiple objections raised by the defence in relation to cost items, some of which were accepted by […]

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Assault Case leads to high award

Case link noted below. The Plaintiff in this action was brutally assaulted and commenced this action in tort after the Defendant was found guilty of assault and confinement.  The Judge found the Plaintiff to be credible and reliable at trial. We have written multiple articles on the topic of credibility and reliability of a Plaintiff/Witness […]

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Cardiologists, Cardiac Surgeons and Cardio-thoracic Surgeons

We are enumerating information below outlining the distinction between cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and cardio-thoracic surgeons.  We have also noted the common types of conditions that each medical discipline manages and they types of tests conducted.  The links to the sites are also noted below for reference. Cardiologist – a cardiologist receives medical training and can […]

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Functional Capacity Evaluations and Vocational Assessments

When are “functional” and “vocational” services helpful?  According to several decisions, we are sharing the following extracted information regarding these two assessments, which often go hand-in hand: Functional capacity evaluation (“FCE”) will provide objective data for assessing a Plaintiff’s current physical functionality; FCE will identify functional limitations; FCE will identify whether the injuries will prevent […]

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