I am honoured to have served on the Committee of the Alberta Civil Trial Lawyer’s Association, Women’s Legal Forum Gala “Ms. Understood” which sold out in 6 days with 460 people in attendance. Bringing awareness to the Calgary Drug Treatment Court and raising over $50,000 for this worthy non-profit charitable organization were only a few of the highlights of the evening. I was honoured to have been in the presence of so many incredible women and walked away feeling encouraged, inspired and motivated.
I had the honour of meeting one of the most respected and feared criminal lawyers in the Country. Fierce is an understatement and Bold is beautiful! I can’t help but mention her Jimmy Choo shoes were to die for! An incredible opportunity to hear this woman speak, Marie Henein! An event I won’t forget.
Toronto Life Article: Marie Henein:
Marie Henein, the lawyer who plans to keep Jian Ghomeshi out of prison